Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Psalms: The Sunrise of Hope by Bob Saffrin

Psalms: The Sunrise of Hope
By Bob Saffrin

My Rating

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)


Read September 24, 2012


Author provided .pdf Version


Like most readers of the Bible I love the Psalms for both pleasure and especially for inspiration in periods of trail. Bob Saffrin’s book, “Psalms: The Sunrise of Hope” is an excellent study and guide to some of the best Psalms.

The author’s insight helps bring the psalmist words to life and added life application examples, making it easy to relate to my life. I have always been taught to use the Bible to explain and define the Bible. Bob Saffrin does this as he provides insight to the heart and soul of the psalmist. He uses other scriptures to interrupt the true meaning of the psalm.

I found “Psalms: The Sunrise of Hope” to be very uplifting and informing. I really enjoyed this book and Bible study.

I highly recommend “Psalms: Sunrise of Hope” by Bob Saffrin to all ages.


1 comment:

  1. Larry, thank you so much for your kind and generous review. It is difficult, as an independent author, to get noticed, so reviews are very important. I do appreciate what you are doing.
