Monday, February 25, 2013

The Rebels' Promise by Jane Godman

The Rebels' Promise
By Jane Godman

My Rating

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)


       Read February 24, 2013


        .pdf Version


The Rebels’ Promise by Jane Godman is an English/ Scottish romance novel with all the adventure and intrigue you would expect from 1745 England. It is a well written and exciting book that I found hard to put down.

The storyline was well developed and easy to follow. I really enjoyed all the subtle twist and turns in the plot. The story was very believable and it was easy to imagine life in the aristocratic world of 18th century London.

Not only was the story a romance novel with all the expected “mushy” stuff, but the action and intrigue makes it a book for all readers. It will keep you glued to the book and wanting more.

Jane Godman did an excellent job of developing the characters. The lead characters were easy to identify with and very real to life. I also liked how she continued to develop the supporting characters in the story and build to their critical role in the climax of the story.

I really enjoyed The Rebel’s Promise by Jane Godman and I highly recommend it to all readers.


[Please note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]





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