Friday, July 12, 2013

The Hampton Summit by Mike Dunbar

The Hampton Summit
By Mike Dunbar

My Rating

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)


        Read   July 11, 2013


        Mobi Version


If you like books about time travel and science fiction you will love The Hampton Summit by Mike Dunbar. This YA adventure novel is packed with fast paced action and intrigue.

The storyline is well developed and easy to follow. I found it hard to put the book down once I started because the story captivated me. There is just the right amount of twist and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat. The author did a great job of blending science fact and science fiction together to add realism to the story.

Mike Dunbar did an excellent job of character development with each of the main characters in the story. The heroes where both believable and real to life, making it easy to follow them and cheer them on.

I really enjoyed The Hampton Summit by Mike Dunbar and I highly recommend it to all readers.


[Please note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]



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