Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Do Monsters Wear Undies? by Mark Smith

Do Monsters Wear Undies?
By Mark Smith

My Rating

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)


        Read   May 29, 2013


        Kindle Version


I have read and reviewed several of Mark Smith’s books and Do Monsters Wear Undies, like all the others, is great. Both my grandson and I agree this book is just plain funny.

The one thing about rhyming picture books is they must be read out loud to get the full benefit. As I was reading it I had trouble because I had to stop and laugh at the stories. Even my wife broke out laughing a couple of times.

Like Mark Smith said in an intro letter to me, this book deals with one of the more serious questions in life, “do monsters actually wear undies.” Well, you will have to buy to book to find out.

I really enjoyed Do Monsters Wear Undies by Mark Smith and I highly recommend it to all readers, especially grandparents.



[Please note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]

Click Here to order your copy of Do Monsters Wear Undies from


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Grishma by Kelly Anne Blount

By Kelly Anne Blount

My Rating

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)


        Read   May 28, 2013


        .pdf Version


Don’t let the cover fool you, Grishma by Kelly Anne Blount is a fast paced, high action adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat from cover to cover. This is an excellent YA fantasy novel.
The author did a great job of developing the story. It was easy to follow and never lost sight of the story theme as each new twist developed. I loved getting into the story and found it hard to put down once I started reading.
Kelly Anne Blount, through her writing style, made each character very believable and easy to identify with. The emotions and feeling developed into each character help you connect and cheer on the good guys and dislike the bad guys. I really like this.
Grishma by Kelly Anne Blount is as excellent YA fantasy novel and I highly recommend it for all ages.
[Please note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]

Click Here to order your copy of Grishma from


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fembodyverse: An Inner-Stellar Adventure into Womanhood by Michele Elizabeth

Fembodyverse: An Inner-Stellar Adventure into Womanhood
By Michele Elizabeth

My Rating



        Read   May 21, 2013


        Kindle Version



Fembodyverse: An Inner-Stellar Adventure into Womanhood by Michele Elizabeth is the story of a young girl’s attempt to transition into womanhood and what that means.
The author did a good job of telling the story and it moved smoothly from one section to another. I was well written and easy to follow. Michele Elizabeth style of writing made the story easy to read.
That said, I found the story hard to get into and not because I am a male. It was all to “new age” for my taste.
[Please note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]

Click Here to order your copy of Fembodyverse from

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Practical Guide to Happiness by Margaret Curley Sanborn

The Practical Guide to Happiness
By Margaret Curley Sanborn

My Rating

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)


        Read   May 19, 2013


        Kindle Version


The Practical Guide to Happiness by Margaret Curley Sanborn is an excellent self-help book for guiding you to a better and happier life.  The sub-title sums it up, “If You Don’t Like How You’re Feeling, Think Again.”

The author did a great job of offering easy to understand, real life examples of life situation. By doing so she showed the right and the wrong way people approach these issues.

Her systematic approach to looking at life in a positive manner and not letting your ego get in the way was great. Her methods were easy to follow and if applied to your life should yield positive results.

I found The Practical Guide to Happiness by Margaret Curley Sanborn both good reading and very helpful. I highly recommend this book.



[Please note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]

Click Here to order your copy of The Practical Guide to Happiness from



Friday, May 17, 2013

Jed's Escape by Zack A Tack

Jed's Escape
By Zack A Tack

My Rating

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)


        Read   May 17, 2013


        .pdf Version



I really enjoyed reading Jed’s Escape by Zack A Tack. This YA science fiction novel was both fast paced and action packed.

The storyline was well developed and easy to follow. I enjoyed reading a book that had so much action but flowed freely and smoothly from on twist to another.  It was easy to follow along as an unseen character which I always enjoy doing. This was exciting all the way to the end of the story.

The characters were well developed and very believable. The author did an excellent job of making the hero, his supporters and the villains real. Each had strengths and flaws which were easy to identify with.

I really liked Jed’s Escape by Zack A Tack and highly recommend it to all age groups.



[Please note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Alhambra Decree by Lilian Gafni

The Alhambra Decree
By Lilian Gafni

My Rating

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)


        Read   May 8, 2013


        Kindle Version



The Alhambra Decree (Book one of the Flower from Castile Trilogy) by Lilian Gafni is an excellent historical fiction. It depicts life in Spain during the time of Queen Isabella, Columbus and the Spanish Inquisition.
The story revolves around a young girl who is kidnapped because of her Jewish heritage. The author did a great job of developing each of the main characters in the story. They were very believable and easy to identify with. Lilian Gafni’s style of storytelling allowed you to feel the anguish and get into the mind of the characters. I love reading a book where you could almost smell the smells and hear the horse as the story goes along.
The author did an excellent job of weaving a complex tale with several storylines. It was easy to follow along and not get lost with each twist and turn in the various storylines. I especially like being able to put myself into story.
I really enjoyed The Alhambra Decree by Lilian Gafni and I highly recommend this book to all readers.
[Please note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]

Click here to order your copy of The Alhambra Decree from

Monday, May 6, 2013

Black Sea Gods by Brian L. Braden

Black Sea Gods
By Brain L. Braden

My Rating

didn't like it it was ok liked it really liked it it was amazing (my current rating)


        Read   May 5, 2013


        Kindle Version


Black Sea Gods by Brian L. Braden is an excellent action packed adventure that will keep your heart racing from cover to cover. It is nonstop and I love the “Ah-ha” ending.

The storyline is very well developed and flows seamlessly from one twist to another. It was easy to follow and keep up with the themes as the story developed. The story was very believable and I found it easy to identify with. I always like a story I can follow along and put myself in as an unseen character.

Brian L. Braden did and great job with character development. The characters where very believable and real, which made it easy to identify with them. I like the way he made the lead character and hero human with all the normal self-doubts and internal worries.

I really enjoyed reading Black Sea Gods by Brian L. Braden and I highly recommend this book to all readers.



[Please note: I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.]